Peo's Evolution Journal


Whales, dolphins, and their relatives are called Cetaceans. They are ungulates even though they don't have hooves becasue they evolved from the same common ancestor that did have hooves 50 million years ago. Their hooves in front changed into flippers but their back legs shrank and shrank until they disappeared.

Click the photos for larger versions.

Evolution Journal - Page 23 - Cetaceans

Evolution Journal - Page 23 - Whale

Peo's photo of the tall Cetaceans display.
Peo's photo of the
tall Cetaceans display.

Peo's photo of the display of ancestors of cetaceans.
Peo's photo of the
display of ancestors of cetaceans.

Peo taking the previous photo.
Peo taking the previous photo.

Last Updated: October 2010