Peo's Evolution Journal


Pterosaurs have wings formed from just their fourth finger but bats use fingers two, three, four, and five. Early pterosaurs were like Rhamphorhynchus and had a tail, but more advanced pterodactyloids lost their tails and had longer wrists.

There was a very small, bird-size Pterodactylus and a huge Quetzalcoatlus that had a wing span of 39 feet so it was the largest flying creature that ever lived!

Click the photos for larger versions.

Evolution Journal - Page 8 - Pterosaurs 1

Evolution Journal - Page 8 - Pterosaurs 2

Peo standing under a pterosaur while wearing her pterodactyl shirt.
Peo standing under a pterosaur while
wearing her pterodactyl shirt.

Peo drawing a pterosaur in her evolution journal.
Peo drawing a pterosaur
in her evolution journal.

Last Updated: September 2010