Peo's Evolution Journal


In this room we are on a hunt for Umbrellabipper, which is the name of my toy Parasaurolophus.

We found her in the case marked "Duckbill Crests", with a label that says Parasaurolophus walkeri which means "almost Saurolophus".

Her nostrils go all the way back over her head and then come back down to the throat.

Click the photos for larger versions.

Evolution Journal - Page 16 - Parasaurolophus - 1

Evolution Journal - Page 16 - Parasaurolophus - 2

Peo by the Parasaurolophus fossil display.
Peo by the Parasaurolophus
fossil display.

Close-up of the Parasaurolophus fossil head.
Close-up of the
Parasaurolophus fossil head.

Peo's photo of the  Parasaurolophus model.
Peo's photo of the
Parasaurolophus model.

Last Updated: September 2010