Brains… brains… scientist brains… No! Really, I have seen a real human brain in a tank! Remember that post about Ada Lovelace? Well this brain is Charles Babbage’s right side of cerebellum! Wow! Isn’t it cool and/or slimy?
It was at the Science Museum in London. We went to the museum on Thanksgiving with one of Mum’s friends.
Charles’s son, Henry, donated it for dissection and examination. That is, cut apart and looked at. Ew again! Sorry if this brain talk is being a bit too gross. Hmm. Let me go get my notes. Hey! I am back! And my notes say that a guy called Horsley dissected it in the 1990s so he could examine it for what made Babbage so smart! He did this to a few other scientists brains too! Ok I will stop now before I get too gross even for myself!