Peo's Evolution Journal

Eye Sockets Near The Snout

The last stop on the path is eye sockets near the snout in the common ancestor of Tethytheres. Elephants and their extinct relatives plus sea cows are in this group. Their eye sockets are over their front teeth. Scientists don't know why this is.

The Museum's Web Page About Eye Sockets Near The Snout
Click the photos for larger versions.

Evolution Journal - Page 24 - Eye Sockets Near The Snout

Mummy's photo of the model showing eyes near the snout.
Mummy's photo of the model
showing eyes near the snout.

Peo taking her photo of the model of eye sockets near the snout.
Peo taking her photo
of the model of eye sockets
near the snout.

Peo's photo of the model of eye sockets near the snout.
Peo's photo of the model
of eye sockets near the snout.

Last Updated: October 2010